Monday, July 23, 2012

Ramadhan Day 1

Saya perlu figure out macam mana nak arrange tidur. Semalam saya dah terlepas sahur (on the very first day!! memalukan sungguhhh). Maghrib di Luebeck pukul 930pm, Isya' pukul 1140pm dan Subuh pada pukul 250am. Please arrange my night pleaseeee 

Harini hajatnya nak tidur sebelum maghrib tapi tup tap masak segala, now dah pukul 9pm! First day je kot rajin masaknye, nanti hari seterusnya ntah ntah balik lab teros pengsan dan makan je benda yang ada hahaha that is soo Naziha

How about tido selepas Maghrib? Dengan kenyang berbuka, bantai tido pulak, sekali terlepas pulak Isya' dan terawih. but I kinda sure if I only sleep after terawih, the chance of getting up for sahur is really slim. Like slim river gituuwww 

Huarghhh I desperately need to get everything! I mean, bukak puasa on time, terawih, and also sahur just nice before Subuh. Slowly Naziha slowly.. 

and I miss my parents. It is this kind of feeling that you get when you know they're not there and you cant simply ring them anytime you want. Nevertheless, I'm the happiest daughter as I know they really deserve their sweet time. 

Anywaysss, ummm.. it's not that I wanna show that I've turned I'm turning into Makciks or anything, but look at what I boughtttt..

Ramekins! :)

Haha nasib baik jugaklah hidup berjauhan dengan The Husband, kalau tak mesti dia tak faham kenapalah this Makcik need to buy those kitchen "gadgets". He will only get that one shot of surprise bila tengok segala benda yang terkumpul ni hahaha (Hi awk, I love you too :P)

How was your first day of fasting? 


zuluuniformlima100 said...

omaigod, sedih gila kak jiha.. dah la panjang gila puasa.. sama jer ngan kisah oya! semoga dapat lagi bnyk berkat dengan dugaan yang lebih nih.. selamat berpuasa..

Bint Lazim said...

Apa yg p/s nye joe? Haha.

Tu ahhhhhhhh hmm walaupon takde la penat sgt tp saje je nak kecoh kann like alwayss haha. Selamat berpuasa to you too, the rising senior! How time fliesss..

fadheR said...

tayah tdo lansung la jiha dri buka smpi sahur :P

selamat berpuase di perantauan. again hihi

Bint Lazim said...

Fadhe: Eeiii sarcasticnye awk punya 'again' huarghh sabar je lah budak niii. Hahhaah thanks anyway, you too, selamat berpuasa!!


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