Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Genèva, May 2012

So after spending our Sunday morning in Basel, we headed down to Geneva. Good thing about Swiss is that everything is just close by, it's like going to Kelantan from Johor in freaking 3 hours! 

In Basel, people speak Deutsch and in Geneva, just a stone throw away, they speak French. Oh well just like Kelantan and Johor you see lol. 

We checked in the overly priced hotel(mygad!), solat and rest a bit, then head out again for FOOD. It was a cold summer day, jadinya sangat malas nak ambik gambar. We wandered around, kononnya nak cari Jet d'eau ataupon air pancut di Lake Geneva tapinya dah lambat kot sebab dah takde! The lake was so beautiful though, somehow lagi cantik dari Rhine river in Basel. 

Around Lake Geneva
Everything was kinda overpriced in Geneva. Food was like twice the normal price, tapi disebabkan laparrr taram je lahh. (Eh ke taram je lah sbb ada orang lain yang bayor? Kah3). We found the 'halal street' there alhamdulillah, yay for the food, but it was sort of scary because of the location. Dirty and 'adult entertainment' kind of area. The weird thing was that, while we were waiting for food in the restaurant, we heard adhan from afar. Conclusion, there must be a mosque nearby, and lots of Muslim do live there because it's cheap as compare to other areas. But I swear that I hold on tight to The Husband because that place is err.. creepyyy!

The next morning, we wandered around again and found these; Pakcik in jubah in the middle of the city, "All cops are bas**** and extreme backpackers lol. Interesting interesting.. 

and next, jom pergi Luzern!! :)

Le Husband and Le Cute, Awesome, Genius Wife. Lol

Friday, July 27, 2012

Ramadhan Day 7

If he does not take my hand, what reliance can there be
On my works and on my prayers, offered so distractedly?

Allahumma Solli 'Ala Saiyidina Muhammad SAW

[Pray My Lord, Nader Khan]

Monday, July 23, 2012

Ramadhan Day 4

Boleh gebang dah sbb ada org call tanya beli cream puff tu kat mana sedangkan saya buat sendiri! (Okay sila muntah berjemaah sekarang!) Bakat surirumah makin tercungkil nampaknya hihi. But as always, I personally think that a housewife with a PhD lagi bergaya dan menawan gituwww. Hahaha bab berangan ni memang laju kann :P

Okay behave behave.

Tipu je sebenarnya sbb that batch of cream puffs are actually soooo out of shape, and the sweetness of   custard fillings should be toned down a lil bit. Orang yang bertanya tu mesti dah lama tak jumpa cream puff sampai lupa camno sepatutnya haha. but as always I will try to make it again until I make myself blissfully satisfied. 

The same goes for Ramadhan, lets try to give out our best insyaAllah. The outcome is just something extra,  as Allah knows how much effort we actually put in struggling to be in our best self. only for His sake. Hopefully by the end of Ramadhan, we can say that we're coming close to satisfaction. 

And indeed He knows best. 

Ramadhan Day 1

Saya perlu figure out macam mana nak arrange tidur. Semalam saya dah terlepas sahur (on the very first day!! memalukan sungguhhh). Maghrib di Luebeck pukul 930pm, Isya' pukul 1140pm dan Subuh pada pukul 250am. Please arrange my night pleaseeee 

Harini hajatnya nak tidur sebelum maghrib tapi tup tap masak segala, now dah pukul 9pm! First day je kot rajin masaknye, nanti hari seterusnya ntah ntah balik lab teros pengsan dan makan je benda yang ada hahaha that is soo Naziha

How about tido selepas Maghrib? Dengan kenyang berbuka, bantai tido pulak, sekali terlepas pulak Isya' dan terawih. but I kinda sure if I only sleep after terawih, the chance of getting up for sahur is really slim. Like slim river gituuwww 

Huarghhh I desperately need to get everything! I mean, bukak puasa on time, terawih, and also sahur just nice before Subuh. Slowly Naziha slowly.. 

and I miss my parents. It is this kind of feeling that you get when you know they're not there and you cant simply ring them anytime you want. Nevertheless, I'm the happiest daughter as I know they really deserve their sweet time. 

Anywaysss, ummm.. it's not that I wanna show that I've turned I'm turning into Makciks or anything, but look at what I boughtttt..

Ramekins! :)

Haha nasib baik jugaklah hidup berjauhan dengan The Husband, kalau tak mesti dia tak faham kenapalah this Makcik need to buy those kitchen "gadgets". He will only get that one shot of surprise bila tengok segala benda yang terkumpul ni hahaha (Hi awk, I love you too :P)

How was your first day of fasting? 

Friday, July 20, 2012

Ramadhan Mubarak!

Di sebalik rindunya saya untuk menyambut Ramadhan di tempat tempat awesome seperti sebelum sebelum ini, Ramadhan kali ini memanglah sepatutnya mengajar erti kuat. Kuat seperti power rangers. Power rangers biru!

Namun begitu, saya pon confuse dengan kemurahan air mata saya kali ini bila hal ehwal Encik Ramadhan disebut. Sumpah saya jealous dengan anda yang dapat berterawih dan berqiam dengan sempurna! Sumpah sesumpah! Teringat akan indahnya Qaryah Ramadhan di Kelantan mungkin. Teringat betapa meriahnya Ramadhan sepatutnya. Teringat indahnya doa doa yang dibaca di ICN(yes I still adore you!), Stadium Kelantan, Masjid Muhammadi mahupun di Masjid Kubang Kerian. 

Kesimpulannya, saya dengan malunya menyimpul mati, rupa rupanya saya struggle untuk berICN pagi buta mahupun berQaryah Ramadhan segala, kerana saya tak mampu untuk bersendiri berterawih mahupun membaca doa doa yang best lagi merdu. Doa saya kedengaran cacat di telinga sendiri. *Sedih*

Mungkin juga memang ini yang diajarkan oleh Abah. Abah drive jauh untuk pergi ke masjid kegemaran. Rumahnya Bachok tapi terawihnya di Masjid Muhammadi Kota Bharu! Dan bertuahnya Abah, tahun ini terawihnya di Mekah. *Jealous dan sedih lagi*

what to do.. what to do.. 

Tahun ini, saya menyambut maghrib petanda datangnya Encik Ramadhan dengan air mata yang boleh dibeli sebaldi dgn harga seposen. Murah sungguh! 

Makanya, jika anda berpeluang, pleaselah, drivelah ke masjid masjid favourite anda dan nikmatilah setiap saat bersama Encik Ramadhan. Find your Ramadhan spot and get the most out of it!

Encik Ramadhan tetamu yang sangat mulia! Maka haruslah saya belajar senyum perlahan lahan :') The best of people is the one that make the best out of their given situation kan? Hah cakap sonanggg :P

Power rangers biru in progress. Tenenettt.. tenenettt..


The grass is always greener on the other side

Wehooo pastu kalau pegi lompat pagar, tengok tengok sebelah sana lagi hijau lah pulak.
Kof3 penatlah nak lompat lompat macam tuuuuuu


Thursday, July 19, 2012


Random people asked me to choose a scarf for his sister. So so random.
and I did choose randomly.

We have so much theories that we actually drowning in it.
I should only listen to myself.

No more lowering the guards down.
Learnt my lesson, and it was not that wonderful.

Guilt is there for a reason.

Maa, Abah and Ajik left for Umrah.
Somehow I am so sad. LIKE SO SAD. SAD SAD SAD.


I do speak brand. but not out loud.

RAMADHAN. Excited. but it will be nice and considerate of you if you wont talk to me about being with your family and friends. or about how soothing Quran recitation of so and so during terawih. or even about bazar ramadhan and food. and dont ever ask about mine, like what do I have for breaking fast or did I wake up for sahur. Ah simply just dont talk to me at all. Kahkahkah.

Monday, July 16, 2012


Fateh's toy

"As you can see, bad feelings themselves aren’t the problem. Inaction is the problem."

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Allah itu adil ;D

Semalam jumpa satu couple ni. Saya tak pernah jumpa a couple yang the husband who like to spend, instead of the wife. Last night was a blast because looking at them.. I was like.. Woaww.. so this is what it is like.. Imagine your husband need to force you to buy something! That's what happen to them lol. Cute gila sbb the husband knows more about brands and prices and sale and outlets goshhh!! 

of cutting board
Husband: Cutting board to cool sbb boleh blablabla, cost about 60 euro.
Wife: What? 60 euro. Surat khabar yang less than 1 euro tu pon boleh serve the same purpose! 

and I was like, akakkkkk why whyyyyy? This so weirddddd hahaha sambil gelak terbahak-bahak hahaha

Allah itu adil. and marriage is all about check and balance ;)

P/s: Kalau saya, if the husband offer to buy me something expensive, mau pengsan saya sbb happy sangat kof3.

Monday, July 09, 2012

Menumpang kasih

"Nor, jom gi park now!" Abelan telefon, dan terdengar di background suara Kak Ija "Jomlah jomlah!". It was a sunny Saturday, I was lazying on my bed reading a book, haven't even eat a thing! Teruk kannnn. and sadly, I still use this lame excuse, "Takpe, hidup bujang..". BUJANG LA SANGAT!

They picked me up half an hour later and we went to Draeger park. 

Digging in tanpa segan silu cuk3

Bersama si pipi roboh 

I see bling bling and I drooled! Haha cuteness

Mummy Aqidd senyum..
Dan Aqidd pon tiru the exact kind of smile! Hahaha

Actually, this whole random picnic thing made me miss my other half. so. bad. and Ramadhan is approaching.. sape nak jadi imam terawih? Sobs..

Note to self: Having people around really help. You cant survive with books and bed, Naziha! :P

Thursday, July 05, 2012

"The excellence of a person's Islam includes leaving what does not concern him." 


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