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Beautified for people is the love of that which they desire - of women and sons, heaped-up sums of gold and silver, fine branded horses, and cattle and tilled land. That is the enjoyment of worldly life, but Allah has with Him the best return.
Say, "Shall I inform you of [something] better than that? For those who fear Allah will be gardens in the presence of their Lord beneath which rivers flow, wherein they abide eternally, and purified spouses and approval from Allah . And Allah is Seeing of [His] servants
[Al Imran:14-15]
So remember how happy we were when we get something yang kita dream of?
Seperti kerja yang bagus, a handsome rich spouse TETT, markah yang agak bagus walaupun rasa macam dah fail, hot shower in winter, dapat anak/anak sedara comel tahap dewa, meeting friends and family after so long, delicious food when the stomach is empty, kereta idaman dibayar cash haha or even as simple as membeli Milka yang super duper murah?
Itu perasaan happy yang sementara. Tak setuju? Sape still rasa happy sekarang sebab dia dapat makan nasik lemak sedap gila 2 tahun sebelum tu sila angkat tangan?
Knowing that, mari kita bersama sama berusaha untuk mendapat happy yang selamanya acewahhh.
and who fulfills his promise better than Allah?
For those who fear Allah will be gardens in the presence of their Lord beneath which rivers flow, wherein they abide eternally, and purified spouses and approval from Allah
Start with simple things seperti kalau sebelum ni suka pakai baju short sleeve marilah memakai baju long sleeve (ni pompuan la kalau laki nak join pon boleh haha), kalau sebelum ni suka berprasangka buruk marilah beristighfar bila fikiran buruk terlintas, kalau sebelum ini suka menjawab kata kata ibu bapa marilah kita senyum dan senyap, kalau sebelum ni sedekah 55 sen setahun marilah kita jadikan 55 ringgit pulak tahun ni, kalau sebelum ini laju seperti air keluar perkataan perkataan power dari mulut marilah kita slowkan, kalau sebelum ni tak semayang sunat before after solat wajib mohle kita, kalau sebelum ni dua tahun sekali tahajud mari kita buat jadi setahun sekali and yeah do remember that everyone of us has his or her own struggle!
So HOI jangan tidur banyak sangat!
So HOI jangan tidur banyak sangat!

Sengguk je tak tido pong mwahaha.
Sengguk je tak tido pong mwahaha.
tak tahan nyeee aku tengok benda tu tersengguk2. comel sampai tergelak2 terbahak2
hahaha oya, aku rasa kalau kau tgk diri sndiri time kelas chem sure gelak terbahak2 gak hahahhaa
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