Thursday, April 21, 2011

She who remembers.. nothing

I am the one who cant remember how much does a loaf of butter bread cost, atau ikan kembung berapa ringgit sekilo sekarang, atau harga tiket train from Luebeck to Hamburg berapa, atau berapa harga barang2 selalunya habes kalau buat cheesecake, atau harga ink printer tu berapa and the list goes on..

and  I have a high respect to those who can. bukan respect je, tapi I would go like, "WOW, camne boleh ingat semua benda? Power rangers pon tak power camniii"

Seriously, macamane orang boleh ingat?

P/s: Haha thats why I will never get rich
P/s: I think it is in the gene. Cause abeje pon cam sama je?


FaRHaN SyAHiR said...

kalau org yg duk ingt harga brang, semestinya die cheapies...tgh berjimat xde duit cm aku! hahaha

Anonymous said...

Kau ni kan, suka menyalah kan orang kan. Tak pasal2 abeje pon kene. hahaha

Deremind said...

entah jiha. adeke patut. awak selalu buat boleh igt kot. sy pon tak igt kot harga ikan sekilo brape. main blasah je beli hahahaha

yellow said...

naziha=hafzan=hafiz lazim..... :)

Bint Lazim said...

haha aku pon takde duit kot? im so gonna pick up the cheapest haha

helo oya tgk betol la aku ckp. kak ati pon ckp camtuuu :P

haha yeah nana. patutnya orang pompuan kot yg slalu igt bnda2 ni and saya org pompuan! hahaha

tsk sad kak ati sad. why sama ngn diorang whyyyy :(((( hahahahhaha


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