Prof Bg: The great thing is, you passed.
Me : Wait, how?!
Slumber gajah orang da bagi pass, g tanya tanya lak kenapa.
Grade paling teruk, datangnya dari professor yang saya paling suka dan professor yang saya paling tak suka. Aishh dah la sama gradenya. Prof yang paling saya suka juga tak suka saya. HAHAHA. Down seminggu.
Lesson learnt: benda yang enjoy belajar, tak semestinya fully faham. benda yang tak enjoy lagi la tak faham. mwahaha.
I only have two levels of grade.
Pass and fail.
I hate oral exams. but if I am going to be a teacher, I would love to give oral exams. *sengih jahat*
Prof Bk: I had a chance to ask a diplom student in his final colloquium the thing that I had been asked in my final 300 years ago. Derive the Maxwell equation. Lol
Oh, rupa rupanya dia balas dendam. Thus point number 4.
I am still wondering, what did I learn during my undergraduate? Empat tahun kot tu?
Going to class is very important, paying attention in class is really important, semua important lah. sebab secoet yang anda missed itulah akan ditanya di dalam exam. written exam is okay because you still have kicap kipas udang nak goreng goreng, but in oral exams, he can see right through you mwahaha.
Brain will severely damage if it doesn't get enough oxygen for 3 minutes.
Three minutes.
Heart starts beating when it is 4 weeks old. (Prof ckp sambil buat jari nak tunjuk betapa keciknya heart time tu). Subhanallah.
Kelas pukul 8 pagi belambak but it's okay sebab subuh habis pukul 6 sekarang. Embracing summer happily :)
I hate oral exams. Did I mention that already?
Betol. Bersyukur lebih susah dari bersabar. Blessings lagi susah nak nampak dari ujian? Manusia sungguh.
Betol. Bersyukur lebih susah dari bersabar. Blessings lagi susah nak nampak dari ujian? Manusia sungguh.
It has been about 6 months I'm in Luebeck! and I think I know what I wanna do bila besar nanti. yeah kinda. kot. HAHA.
What is truss? Not trust, but truss.
Ratio lelaki dan perempuan dalam most classes. Sixteen to five.
Saya tak berjaya jadi pelajar pandai, dah ada niat dulu since I'm the only person who wears hijaab in the class. Cam konon represent Islam la kan, but then kalau ada two levels of grade je yang didefine, camne nak cemerlang?
okay okay summer semester pulak haha
Final point: "Sufficient for us is Allah , and He is the best Disposer of affairs."
3. So conclusion to no.2, grade plg teruk adalah fail? hahaha.
4. I will feel the same though. Time kerja banyak kot oral exam? tiba2 je kena tanya dgn boss.
16. Umm masa saya buat masters... berapa eh. ada yg 10:1, 20:3,.... haha buhsan.
17. Saya siap buat password ada number 4.0 tu konon bercita2 nak berjaya gilanng gemilang. Niat does count rite? sobsss...
Hahaha nana! fail is not even a grade sebenarnya -___-'
#2 is actually the worst of passing a paper. ke? HAHA asal pass sudeyyy
4. Kannnnn. oral exams teach me to be ready all the time. And the knowledge learnt mcm ingat lg lama je?
16. SANGAT! Salah pilih major ni patut amek bnda2 keperempuanan sket kah3
17. Niat does count.. HAHA sedapkan hati
Apa-apa pun syukur Alhamdulillah....eh lulus dan gagal je ke? TAK ADA KE 1,2,3,4 MACAM ABE JE? alamak nazihalah orang yang sangat-sangat beruntung syukur banyak-banyak
hahaa adow lah maa, supow jah nge abeje. tapi nor tok kiro semo tu. asal pass sudeyyy :p
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