Tuesday, October 26, 2010

like 4 3 2

If you ever find yourself stuck in the middle of the sea,
I'll sail the world to find you
If you ever find yourself lost in the dark and you can't see,
I'll be the light to guide you

walaupon ada unsur2 tak logik di situ (helo mana ada lagu logik kot?) tapi saya tetap setia tekan replay. suka betol lagu bilang bilang. haa ni satu lagi. 

and dalam youtube tu ada millenium park chicago huargh tempat favourite sbb ada bean yang bulat dan comel. 

ceh smpat lg nak letak gmbar sendiri kah3 okay sila jangan menyampah haha.


fadheR said...

ehem2 laguuu hihi suke gak yg plain white T's tuuu best kan

Anonymous said...

eleh, diapun dengar lagu jiwang jugak.

haha, bagus dengar nasihat aku

Bint Lazim said...

tu laa pasal padhe syok2. ada a few lagu de yg relax camni haha suka2.

eleh ape eleh haha krogh3


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