Sunday, October 31, 2010

He definitely has an excuse

Imâm Muhammad bin Sîrîn (rahimahullâh) said:

"If you were to find out that your brother has done something bad, then you should look for an excuse for him, if you can't find an excuse, you should say "He has an excuse.""

Iklan: Yay esok cuti sbb klate meney.. haha (hm padahal da mmg ahad)


taufiq said...

terbaik lah jiah!
kalau menyembunyikan kesilapan saudara kita, allah akan menyembunyikan kesilapan kita kemudian hari kan?

Bint Lazim said...

ya betol walaupon setan hadoi berapi2 mencucuk2 supaya fikiran buruk melintas. igt ayat "he has an excuse" shd solve the prob mungkin ahaha


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