Friday, July 29, 2011

Dua jenis manusia dan bebelan

1. Dalam dunia ni ada dua jenis org. Yang suka buat keje last minute dan yang selalu bersedia di awal waktu. Malang sungguh saya tergolong di kalangan manusia last minute itu aihhh

2. Malam last di Lübeck. Keh3 padahal tade plan masa depan lagi. The earliest, I will come back in mid October. But we'll see we'll see...

3. Dah 11 bulan saya tinggal di sini rupanya. I cant decide whether 11 bulan tu cepat ke lambat huuu. Maybe cepat in a way that tak sedar pon dah habis dua semester alhamdulillah. Dan maybe lambat in a way that i feel useless kerana hidup untuk diri sendiri je. Org yg power tu kan org yg bermanfaat kpd org2 lain. Me is not that person for sure hohhh camno nak jadi power rangerss :P

4. Orang orang di Lübeck sgt baikkk. walaupun muka saya tempe tapi ahh terharuuu lol. Jasa anda semua dikenangg :D

5. Choice. It makes life somehow harder tapi sedar tak you get out of it wiser?

6. Lübeck taught me a lot. 11 months yg buat jiwa kental toing2 haha bajet. For sure I wont cry if sesat dekat Berlin mahupun tempat2 seangkatan, fail exam, prof scary, lebih kebal dgn perception manusia, mampu travel sendiri, kena tinggal train(?) tapi still chillex ambil gambar eh boleh buat kenangan ni stranded kat sini hoi budak cuba kalat sket. Haha okay skarang da tak sure if that is a good thing or not sebab terlampau chillex in few issues. TAPI tapi ada la beberapa exceptions kan wehihi.

7. Hav been receiving messages, email and random questions about raya ketiga. No and yes. No it is not raya ketiga, and yes I'm getting married insyaAllah. Pulang kali ini bermisi besar mencari redha dan kasih Allah :)

- posted from my ipod sambil baring baring tunggu subuh di rumah kakza wehoo

Sunday, July 24, 2011


there are times when I doubt my engineering degree. 
banyak kali kot sebenarnya! but oh well..  

Saturday, July 23, 2011

yellow light

I really just want to be warm yellow light that pours over everyone I love 
[Conor Oberst]

Friday, July 22, 2011

So where should I start?

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

28 - 2

For the first time, rasa cam boleh jawab exam. Pastu ada la yg rasa cam tak cukup explanation tapi tak tau nak crap apa dah. Hm takpe dua markah je.


Pastu tgk tgk total markah 28 jeeeeee cuk3. Kalau silap salah mengarut dan menggoreng let say lah 8 markah, da jadi 70% ntah ntah da failed -_-'

Tak jadilah rasa boleh jawab tadi tsk tarik balik. Hehh.

Ada 3 finals, a lab report and project report lagi yang belum selesai. Selamat mata panda tido lepas exam bgn ptg dan tak tido malam lepas tu gi exam pastu balik tido pastu bgn belajar gi exam balik tido blablabla

- Posted from my iPod


Saya bukanlah kenal rapat dengan Dr. Lo' Lo', sekadar tahu that she is one of MPs and I did follow her on twitter. Pernah sekali stalk Allahyarhamah because I was eager with her twitter updates and I conclude, Allahyarhamah seorang yang tegas dan persistent with her stand. Patutlah boleh jadi MP, patutlah boleh jadi orang hebat. 

and we all know that she left us yesterday. Ustaz Hasrizal dedicated a post in remembrance of her in Saifulislam. So did Dr Asri. and Shaykh Suhaib Webb pun buat status facebooknya tentang pemergian Dr. Lo' Lo', saying that she delivered both of his kids. dan belum kira para pemimpin Pas. 

From there we can roughly see what kind of person she was. She was a wife, mother, professional doctor dan juga activist! How she actually contributed to the society and more importantly, to Islam. and yet, she could say on her last hours how scared she was of not being a good servant to Allah. Ah sedihh. May Allah bless her soul and made it easy for her family. 

Indeed, death is the best reminder.

Have you ever wondered how would it be when your turn finally comes? 
as for now, I would say that no one would ever notice if I rot here in my room for weeks. Seriously!

Monday, July 18, 2011

Analyze where are you at

  • Allahumma barik lana fi Rajab wa Sha'ban wa ballighna Ramadan [Ya Allah berkatilah kami di Rejab dan Syaaban dan pertemukanlah kami dengan Ramadan]
  • Dont live your day in such a way where you understand it is just day to day affair. There is another world after this one. 
  • Do it at your pace, but do it
  • Hoh rasa nak salin satu satu ayat dia tapi dgr la sendiri - Cerita start from minute 12:50 pon best:  Things that people commonly say on their deathbed. 

Ramadhan Ramadhaannn Ramadhaannnn!

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Sometimes the system goes on the blink

I'm gonna take the first train tomorrow at 5am heading to Berlin. I cant help myself thinking why things between me and it-who-must-not-be-named is so complicated. Dari mula mula sampai sekarang. and it made me travel during critical times, always. Maybe it is not meant to be for me, maybe I just dont give out my best, maybe I need to have a little patience or maybe I just SIMPLY should stop complaining. 

Hihi or maybe I just had a bad day and start blaming everything out there. Well the sun doesn't always shine, and so let me have my emotional sweet time once in a while. 

And emo with ielts? OMG are you for real Naziha?

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Who lives in a pineapple under the sea?

When I am king they shall not have bread and shelter only, but also teachings out of books, for a full belly is little worth where the mind is starved
 The Prince and the Pauper

SPONGEBOB Squarepants!
Absorbent and yellow and porous is he!
Spongebob Squarepants! :P:P

wehooo something gotta be wrong somewhere on how do we perceive knowledge

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Define happiness

Elaborate untuk esei 20 markah. [dah gaya Cik Nadiah Az dah ni haha]

Sunday, July 10, 2011


People who degrade women - Just because girls choose to wear burqa/hijab/black, that doesn't mean that they gonna disappear from the society. They have every right to get the best education, they have every right to express their opinions too, just like you are. We all have a fully functioning mind, excuse me. 

You know what's worse? when it is not involving Jack or David, but the Muslims themselves degrade their own women

A daughter may outgrow your lap, but she will never outgrow your heart

Nashville Pancake Pantry, Summer 2010

Haishh counting days and mixed feelings

Saturday, July 09, 2011

Miss #4: Familiar Faces

I wanna shout out loud that it has been an awesome year! 
and GOOD LUCK to all of us :)

So here are 2/3 of the class

Credit to Stephen Oung
and not to forget the crazy girls 

Credit to Stephen Oung

and looking at the photos, you wouldn't hire us as your engineers anymore, would you? 


It took me about a year. For His "magic" is beyond our imagination.

haha now lagi obses dengan warna kuning yeahhh hahaha

Thursday, July 07, 2011

Too Late

You're dying, but you haven't died yet
But with every single heartbeat you get closer to your final breath 
Yesterday you were one day closer to your grave
Today who even knows if you'll even make it home ok
I just pray that you are ready for your final exam 
Until then don't you dare die except in a state of Islam
Heaven and Hell are just the choices that we make
So turn back to you Lord, before it's too late

P/s: What's done is done. It is about now, it is about the future. 
Walal-akhiratu khayrun laka mina al-oola.

Selamat Pengantin Baru Nik!

Atlanta GA, Spring 2010
Nak jugak letak gambar tak senonoh kan? Hahaha cuk3. She was my weekend-roomate, DSP classmate, advisor, youtube mate, tempat mintak tolong mahupun nasihat etc etc etc and I adore her to the extend that I somehow set her as my gold standard. Eh? cam eksperimen la pulak.. 

Nik nik nik dah nak kawin in few hours insyaAllah. Congratulationssss Nik dengan Hasan. Kalau orang kahwin kita kena wish apa? Haha tatau. Emmmm semoga bahagia hingga ke syurgaaa. Hasan sila jaga Nik yang extra baik tu elok elok! (cam hasan baca je haha)

Barakallahulakuma :)

Wednesday, July 06, 2011

Takde life

tapi takde masa nak elaborate. So bye!

Monday, July 04, 2011

Final week of class

Pejam celik pejam celik, lagi seminggu semester ini akan habis. Pejam celik pejam celik, lab report saya tak siap siap haha. Tiga lab report yang salah satunya I have no idea about! Physics is random how would you know the magnetic moment will precess with discrete frequency ohmygoddd! Saya tak tau macam mana nak siapkan tapi for sure it need to be done by Thursday. 

Semester ni, bilangan finals sama macam subjek PMR banyaknya haha. Sembilan. Lapan sebenarnya dan satu lagi ialah IELTS. Thanks sebab menyemak in between my finals and thanks for being so far away in Berlin. THANKS. Haha emo lettewww. Apa apa pon, ingat motto kita? Jangan gentar untuk repeat! HAHA gurau jah maa gurauu HAHAH

Selamat survive this crazy week, Naziha!
dan exam week selepasnya dan exam week selepasnya tih3

You're only as tall as your heart will let you be 
And you're only as small as the world will make you seem 
When the going gets rough and you feel like you may fall
Just look on the brightside - you're roughly six feet tall.

Thanks Emira Kesten ;)

Friday, July 01, 2011

June 22nd, 2011

Credit to Daniel Koekert
and now I realize that I'm the shortest one
oh tak, mereka sebenarnya yang extra tinggi haha


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