Friday, November 06, 2009

Silver Bean @ Chicago

This is one of my favorite places. (lupakan swiss, pisa, niagara, etc haha). Heh selok tgk bnda silver ni, the shape is like a bean, or doughnut yang belom goreng lagi. I wonder how they built this thing. cam wah menarik sgt. and stereotype "architect sgt macho" cam betol je hahaha.

Oya ckp org obses ngn diri sndiri je suka benda ni sbb what u actually see is yourself. Oh meaning saya obses with myself lah? sbb saya suka bnda ni. like a lot. Cantik oh. You can see the buildings around with perfect blue sky reflected atas bean yg bulat dan licin tu. Comel sgt.

this was actually under the bean, you can see your tiny reflections on the silver wall.

and my last fall here in US slowly fade away. sobs.

off to Atlanta again tomorrow for AlMaghrib class. 
Alhamdulillah for all the blessings (time, great ppl around, money, etc etc etc.)
Everything is just perfect.


Deremind said...

haha... amende la excited sgt dengan kacang nih. cam bese je? well, best je la. cume x se-excited jiha. haha~~~

bace email thread halaqah ok, ade reminder dr saya :P

.fadheR. said...

alaaa last fall ke? sob sob

Bint Lazim said...

Baekkkk Nanaaa!! hik

tu ah fadhe. dont miss me already pls. hahaha.


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